Italy On Screen Today

About the Film & TV Fest

Founder & Artistic Director
Loredana Commonara

In the last decade, Italian cinema has witnessed its rebirth both on the artistic and on the producing level, which - consequently - allowed young authors, directors and actors and renowned actors who found the right inspiration to venture in film making, to bloom with astonishing results.
From hence, the will to divulge Italian contemporary cinema abroad through Italy on the Screen Today. The overwhelming welcome of the past years did not come much as a surprise, as the US - and especially New York - love Italian cinema and recognize quality.
For us, it is a great thrill, besides being one the festival's objectives, to favor the reunion between the vast amount of Italian American culture here in New York - now surely more handed down than witnessed - and contemporary Italy, to enable the encounter between storytelling and tradition, the history of Italian cinema and today's reality, with strength and current hardship.

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